U.S. History: Native American



Product Code: GH4093
UPC: 631865409327
ISBN: 1-59163-260-9
Grade Level: 5-12
Media Type: DVD

Product Description

Over 25,000 years ago, the first people began to arrive in what is now known as America. In this video, you will learn about the early civilizations of the Inuits, Aztecs, Incas, Mayas. Facts will be presented about Christopher Columbus’ fateful voyage in 1492 and the encounters of Indian tribes of North America and their cultures. The history of the Western expansion in the United States which led to the formation of Indian reservations is revealed along with much more. Join us as we explore the traditions of a proud people with a rich past and an uncertain future – The Native Americans.

Additional Information

Run Time:30
Copyright: 1998
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: WorldWide Distribution