History and Functions of Presidency



Product Code: GH4082
UPC: 631865822225
ISBN: 1-59163-286-2
Grade Level: 5-12
Media Type: DVD

Product Description

This video takes an in-depth look into the world’s most powerful office. It also explores the different roles of the presidency, which include Head of State, Chief Diplomat, Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, and Chief Citizen. These roles have been shaped by our nation’s great leaders. Different presidents chose to ignore the will of Congress during wartime, President Lincoln in the Civil War, President Wilson during World War I, and President Nixon in the Vietnam War. We also explore the past presidents who have guided and shaped our nation in peacetime. Beginning with George Washington, you will learn about these men and all aspects of the executive branch of government.

Additional Information

Run Time: 30
Copyright: 1996
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: WorldWide Distribution