Teaching Systems Physics Module 5: The Three Laws of Motion



Product Code: GH3808
UPC: 743452380824
ISBN: 1-59443-082-9
Grade Level: 7+
Media Type: DVD+CD

Product Description

Now it is time to apply Newton’s Laws of Motion. This branch of study is also known as Newtonian Physics and it applies to everyday conditions of speed, time, and gravitational pull here on earth. Students learn the theorems that have been proven so often they are called laws. Newton’s first law describes inertia with respect to objects at rest and in motion and their reaction to external forces. The second law of motion describes and defines these forces. Newton’s third law describes the opposing and opposite forces exerted between objects. Concepts include forces in equilibrium, mass as opposed to weight, inertia, static and kinetic friction, tension and new units of measure such as the Newton.

Additional Information

Run Time: 26
Copyright: 2008
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: Cerebellum