How Not to Fight
Product Code: 1004329
UPC: 631865432929
Grade Level: K-2
Media Type: DVD+CD
Product Description
Student Workshop: How Not to Fight is a three-part workshop which illustrates ways of preventing fights by dealing with the angry feelings that lead up to them. Children in grades K-2 are in a transition period in which they are learning how to behave outside of their homes. This transition brings with it new demands to cooperate with other children, work and play in groups, and control socially unacceptable impulses like hitting, shouting, shoving, and throwing things. Children in this age group have fragile emotions and are often prone to angry outbursts directed at other children. This program offers children some simple steps they can follow to keep their angry feelings from turning into angry behavior.
Additional Information
Run Time: 16
Copyright: 2000
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: AIM Education
Territory: Available in the U.S. Only