History Kids: Trail of Tears-Forced Relocation of Indigenous Peoples by the U.S. Government



Product Code: CE8293
UPC: 741421213098
Grade Level: 3-8
Media Type: DVD

Product Description

Host Rainy Fields, an Indigenous Person from the Cherokee Nation recounts the painful story of her Cherokee ancestors being forced off their land, displaced by the U.S. government, as were many other tribes, starting in 1830 under the Indian Removal Act. What effects did this have on the Indigenous People of that time, and what are the ramifications still affecting their decendents today? Indigenous History Professor Ethan Banegas (Kumeyaay, Barona Band of Mission Indian) adds historical insight into this literal “death march” where many Indigenous succumbed to exposure, disease and starvation. It has become known as the “Trail of Tears.”

Additional Information

Run Time: 27
Copyright: 2021
Territory: Available in the U.S. Only
Studio: Wonderscape Entertainment