When Telling Isn’t Tattling
Product Code: 1003897
UPC: 743452896721
Grade Level: K-2
Media Type: DVD+CD
Product Description
Young children tattle to adults for many reasons. They may want to get an adult’s approval by reporting another child’s improper behavior to show they know right from wrong. They may be asking an adult to solve a social problem instead of trying to work it out themselves. They may be looking for attention. Or, they may simply want to get another child in trouble. Whatever their motive, children need to learn the difference between tattling, which does not solve anything and can undermine their relationships with other children, and telling, which is letting an adult know that someone is being taunted, bullied, or breaking safety rules and might put themselves or others in danger. Viewing When Telling Isn’t Tattling shows young students how to recognize those situations in their lives when it’s imperative and right to tell a trusted adult. The Guide’s discussion questions, suggested activities, and reproducible student handouts are designed to extend the program’s scope and usefulness. Four scenarios introduced and commented on by a teen host, children are helped to figure out the difference between telling and tattling. Telling is tattling, they are shown, when the situation has nothing to do with them, is not serious, or dangerous and gets someone else into trouble. But in certain situations, they learn, telling isn’t tattling. The right thing to do when they or someone else is being bullied, taunted, or in an unhealthy or dangerous situation, is to tell a trusted adult. Song lyrics bracketing the scenarios reinforce the points made.
Additional Information
Run Time: 16
Copyright: 2005
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: AIM Education
Territory: Available in the U.S. Only