
Two Old Potatoes and Me

Original price was: $29.95.Current price is: $19.95.

3 in stock


Product Code: CE6892
Grade Level: K-4
Media Type: DVD


*** Limited Quantity ***

Product Description

The Reading Rainbow programs are designed to encourage children to read by transporting them to exciting, real-life settings. The series introduces kids to interesting new people and places, explores social and cultural issues, and offers a close-up look at the world around them. Its dynamic, fast-paced, colorful animation and hip music entertain and reinforce these experiences, and help children embrace positive reading habits, skills and attitudes.

After a young girl finds two old potatoes at her father’s house, they plant and tend them to see if they will have new potatoes in September.

LeVar and his daughter Michaela welcome us to their kitchen as they explore how kitchen waste can actually be re-used to help their garden grow. Then it’s off to visit artists who take castoffs and turn them into something beautiful and useful, and to a manufacturing plant to watch the a-maize-ing feat of turning corn into something totally unexpected.

Author: John Coy
Publisher: Knopf

Additional Information

Run Time:  30
Copyright: 2006
Studio: WNED