Product Code: GH5213
UPC: 631865521333
ISBN: 978-1-61867-777-8
Grade Level: 8-12
Media Type: DVD
Product Description
What is physics? Find out as the Standard Deviants introduce you to the basics, including scientific notation, numbers and units, scalars and vectors. The Basics introductory module includes the review of the mathematics necessary for the study of Physics. To speak the language of Physics requires the ability to use scientific notation and to manipulate exponents plus an understanding of the metric naming convention. A review of the trigonometry and vector addition used in Physics is also provided. Don’t panic- soon “sines and cosines” will seem as natural as “left” and “right”. Those were once technical terms as well. Students will feel comfortable with this easy presentation of these necessary skills. This DVD should be considered a prerequisite to modules 2, 3, 4, and 5.
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