Kids@Discovery Creepy Creatures: Reptiles!
Product Code: GH4199
UPC: 631865419920
ISBN: 978-1-61867-067-0
Grade Level: 2-6
Media Type: DVD
Product Description
Takes young viewers on exciting excursions into the wondrous worlds of science and the environment.
Fast-paced, entertaining and enlightening series that makes the absurd and strange – from insect eating to real-life bloodsuckers – interesting and AWESOME!
Captivating content for elementary-aged students to learn about the world and beyond, all in the classroom!
The Creepy Creatures Series takes a look at some scaly, slithering, and squirmy critters! This program will dispel myths about some of the world’s most mysterious and elusive creatures, and will replace fiction with loads of fun facts!
This program will dispel myths about some of the world’s most mysterious and elusive creatures, and will replace fiction with loads of fun facts! Reptiles! Snakes, lizards, crocodiles, and turtles are the coolest cold-blooded animals on the planet. See a ten-inch reptile that has a two-foot long tongue, and snakes that can swallow prey up to twice the size of the diameter of their mouths. Learn why snakes shed their skin and what causes a chameleon to change its colors. Meet the Mellers giant chameleon and a salt-water crocodile that is 23 feet long and weighs over a ton. Learn which reptiles make good pets and which are not meant to be domesticated.
Additional Information
Run Time: 23
Copyright: 1998
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: Exploration Production Inc.
Territory: Available in the U.S. Only