Prehistoric Man: Human Evolution



Product Code: GH1645
UPC: 743452164523
ISBN: 1-59443-256-2
Grade Level: 7+
Media Type: DVD

Product Description

Beginning in the late nineteenth century and throughout the twentieth century, geologists, archaeologists and paleoanthropologists have given the world evidence of the physical and cultural development of humans. Amazing discoveries continue into the twenty-first century, broadening our knowledge of our earliest ancestors and pushing the date of the first appearance of humans to millions of years before recorded history. In Part 1 of “Prehistoric Man,” viewers come face to face with fascinating ancient creatures who looked something like apes but walked upright. We learn how they lived in their foraging societies; what their life may have been like; how they fashioned tools out of stone, wood and bone; and how scientists determine the age of the fossils that give us windows to their world. Moreover, we examine patterns that developed, which give us insight into human adaptation and evolution.

Additional Information

Run Time: 50
Copyright: 2002
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: JTF Productions