Just the Facts: American Explorers & Pioneers



Product Code: GH1178
UPC: 743452117826
ISBN: 1-59443-506-5
Grade Level: 7+
Media Type: DVD

Product Description

Our early explorers paved the way for the development of America. They had the courage, the drive, the passion, to be the first and their discoveries proved to the world that America was a land of extraordinary resources and beauty.

This program is about those American explorers and pioneers who were the pathfinders; those who first explored the valleys, rivers and mountains of America, and those who were the first to make it their home. Men like Christopher Columbus, Sir Francis Drake, Henry Hudson, James Cook, Daniel Boone, Robert Gray, Lewis and Clark, Charles Wilkes, John Fremont and many more.

While outlining the exploration of our continent, this video also captures the great beauty and abundant natural resources of our great land. You’ll see expansive landscapes and breathtaking vistas, from the eastern landscapes and breathtaking vistas, from the eastern seaboard, where the pilgrims first set foot, to the dense forests of Shenandoah… from the great plains of the mid-west, to the soaring Rocky Mountains, and from the stark beauty of the southwestern desert to the magnificence of California coastline.

Additional Information

Run Time: 50
Copyright: 1999
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: JTF Productions