Product Code: GH5109 UPC: 631865510931 ISBN: 978-1-61867-682-5 Grade Level: PreK-K Media Type: DVD
Product Description
Ahoy mates! Little boys love to play pirate! With catchy pirate songs, swash-buckling dances, and activities, Potty Power’s “I’m a Potty Pirate” program will teach your son the skills he needs to successfully use the potty. Savvy?
Avast Ye! Have your little lad join the crew of toddlers who are on their way to becoming official Potty Pirates, able to navigate the oftentimes tumultuous waters of toilet training.
Does it work? Aye. Potty training is a learned behavior and most kids learn best from modeling. “I’m a Potty Pirate” is a modeling video and a proven method of teaching appropriate skills and behaviors. Your child will learn from watching kids his own age use proper potty training skills.
Blimey. The Potty Power brand has taught and motivated tens of thousands of toddlers to use the potty! “I’m a Potty Pirate” is cleverly designed to initiate and then sustain your son’s interest in potty training. The program focuses on what he needs to know to develop the responsibility to use the potty himself!
Repeated viewings will keep the idea of potty training fresh in your child’s mind. Songs such as the “I’m Potty Pirate” anthem, motivate kids to become potty trained. Other songs and activities model correct and appropriate skills for proper toilet hygiene. (No Poop on the Poopdeck!)
So weigh anchor, hoist the mizzen, and set sail for a life without diapers.
You’ll be cheering, “Yo ho ho !” when you’re finally able to give diapers the old heave ho. Think of how much treasure you’ll save!
The message of the program is encouraging and motivating for a young bucko. Potty Power’s “I’m a Potty Pirate” is an entertaining and effective tool that will introduce your toddler to the skills of potty training. No more Aaaarrrrgggghhhhs of disappointment. Soon your son will be shouting, “I’m a Potty Pirate!”
Additional Information
Run Time: 14 Copyright: 2011 Marc Record: Yes Studio: Mazzarella Media