Kids@Discovery Nature: Going Ape!
Product Code: GH4166
UPC: 631865416622
ISBN: 978-1-61867-037-3
Grade Level: 2-6
Media Type: DVD
Product Description
Takes young viewers on exciting excursions into the wondrous worlds of science and nature.
Fast-paced, entertaining and enlightening series that makes everything, from apes to future travel to bird-eating spiders, definitely COOL! Captivating content for elementary-aged students to learn about the world and beyond, all in the classroom!
The Nature Series features the functions and reactions of the human body, the effects of food, and the most interesting creatures and their habits, including the world’s most endangered species.
Going Ape!
Gorillas, orangutans and chimpanzees, the great apes, are our closest biological relation in the animal world. Ninety-eight percent of the genetic makeup of chimpanzees is the same as that of humans. Take a look at mating and behavioral patterns of these apes and learn why we shouldn’t feed animals at zoos or in other enclosed habitats.
Additional Information
Run Time: 23
Copyright: 1998
Marc Record: Yes
Studio: Exploration Production Inc.
Territory: Available in the U.S. Only